NorthStar VETS rehabilitation and pain management department

NorthStar VETS is a 24 hour specialty practice in Robbinsville, NJ. We have a fully equipped rehabilitation department staffed by 2 veterinarians with advanced training in canine rehabilitation and acupuncture. We utilize many of the same techniques and equipment used in human physical therapy centers and offer a variety of modalities including:

  • Underwater treadmill
  • Therapeutic laser therapy
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Neuromuscular electrostimulation (NMES)
  • Manual therapies (massage, stretching, joint and soft tissue mobilization)
  • Therapeutic exercise for improving range of motion, strength and balance
  • Acupuncture and electroacupcunture
  • Pain management including medications and supplements where appropriate

Pets suffer from many of the same ailments as people

In the human world, you would never consider NOT having physical therapy after an orthopedic surgery! The same is becoming true for our canine friends, many of whom who have sustained the same injuries and had the same surgeries that we have. Rehabilitation is known to speed recovery, improve mobility and help to restore function. The same is true for our pets.

Rehabilitation for older pets
Rehabilitation is not just for patients recovering from surgery or injuries. We cannot forget about our older pets. Just as we can experience arthritis, so too can our pets. This is a very painful condition that can really affect quality of life. We may think that our pets are “just slowing down” but this is often a sign of pain. Using a combination of therapies, we are often able to make a big difference in our senior pets lives by helping to improve their mobility and lessen their pain, allowing them to live out the “golden years” as best as they can.

What about laser therapy?

Laser therapy at NorthStar VETSTherapeutic laser is another non invasive therapy used to help with pain. Laser uses a beam of laser light to deeply penetrate tissues without damaging them. Laser energy induces a biological response in the cells which can decrease pain, reduce inflammation and speed healing. It is commonly used for arthritis, strains, wounds and other dermatologic conditions. It is simple and painless to apply and is oftentimes used in combination with other modalities to enhance its effects.

The role of acupuncture in rehabilitative therapy

Last but not least, what about Acupuncture? This ancient Chinese modality has been successful in treating a variety of ailments in both humans and animals. It is not invasive, not painful and can be very beneficial in controlling pain, improving energy level and improving quality of life. Most animals are able to relax and come to enjoy this therapy.

All of us want our pets to be happy, healthy and pain free. There are many ways that we can accomplish these goals. Dr. LoScrudato and Dr. Pamela Levin at NorthStar VETS will do a comprehensive exam and review medical history to come up with a plan that best meets the goals and needs of each client and patient. Our patients love to see us because they know we are making them feel better!

For more information on rehabilitative therapy, visit the rehabilitation page at or call us at 609.259.8300.

Pamela Levin, DVMPamela Levin, DVM, CVA, CCRT
Dr. Levin earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science from the University of New Hampshire in 1992. She graduated from Ross University, School of Veterinary Medicine in 1998 after completing her senior clinical rotations at Oklahoma State University. Dr. Levin has practiced as a small animal general practitioner and emergency and critical care veterinarian in New York, New Jersey, California, and Massachusetts. Pam has served as Director of Emergency Medicine at a small animal referral and emergency hospital in Massachusetts. Dr. Levin received her Certification in Veterinary Acupuncture in 2009 through The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society and her Certification in Canine Rehabilitation Therapy in 2011 through the Canine Rehabilitation Institute. Prior to joining NorthStar VETS in 2011, Dr. Levin served as staff acupuncturist at a small animal referral and emergency hospital in New Jersey. Dr. Levin’s areas of interest include improving patient’s quality of life though pain management, therapeutic exercise, and noninvasive alternative therapies. She is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association, American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture, International Veterinary Acupuncture Society, American Association of Rehabilitation Veterinarians, and the International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management.

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